Bronco Athletics

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The news feeds area allows you to subscribe to your favourite websites' news feeds, updates and notifications. As an example, a few useful new feeds have been selected for you. To view a feed, please use the drop down list.

News feeds are commonly called RSS Feeds.

Editing the news feed list

Click on "Edit news feeds" and the area will enter edit mode.

Adding a news feed

Whenever you are visiting a website that has either an RSS Logo or RSS Logo icon displayed you can subscribe to a news feed.

After clicking on the feed icon, copy the URL from the address bar in your browser into "URL" text box of the "Edit news feed list" area. Enter a description into the "Description" text area and press the submit button to save your news feed.

Removing a news feed

You can remove news feeds by clicking on the tick in the box next to the feed name.
